Configuring your new Eleventy site

Eleventy provides you with simple but efficient configuration options.

Data everywhere

Eleventy provides a wide range of settings for data used in building stage or inside content: global data as well as template and directory data.

11tyTips uses only global data contained in JavaScript files located inside the data directory.


const A_o = require( './A_o.js' )

const U_o = { dev_b: true, //: development/production switch //dev_b: false, url_s: null,
DEV_s: A_o.LOCAL_s, PRO_s: A_o.URL_s,
GIT_s: `${A_o.AUTHOR_s}/${A_o.ID_s}/`, TWI_s: `${A_o.ID_s}/`, RSS_s: `${A_o.URL_s}feed.xml`, SERVICE_PATH_s: 'assets/scripts/js/service_worker.min.js',
HOME_s: `[Home page]: ${A_o.URL_s}`, NODE_s : `[Node.js]:`, COMMENT_s: `[]:`,
FRAME_s: '11ty Frame', FRAME_URL_s: ``,
ELEVENTY_s: `[Eleventy]:`, ELEVENTY_JFM_s: `/docs/data-frontmatter/#javascript-front-matter`, ELEVENTY_UDF_s: `/docs/data-frontmatter/#user-defined-front-matter-customizations`,
OUTLINK_s: '{target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"}',
} void function () { U_o.url_s = U_o[U_o.dev_b === true ? 'DEV_s' : 'PRO_s'] } () console.log( `Site URL: ${U_o.url_s}` )
module.exports = U_o

The gobal data files can contain not only constants as in the preceding listing of the U_o.js file but also functions as in the following D_o.js file which means that all the power of Node.js is at hand.


const EXPORT_a =    // default exported data

module.exports = { data__o: ( permalink_s, collection_a ) => { //> console.log( permalink_s ) let export_o = {} collection_a.forEach( collection_o => { const data_o = if ( data_o.permalink === permalink_s ) { if ( data_o.export_a === null ) export_o = data_o //: get all data! else { const export_a = data_o.export_a || EXPORT_a //: get declared or default data only export_a.forEach( prop_s => export_o[prop_s] = data_o[prop_s] ) } } } ) return export_o }, }
