Styles guide
h1 element
This is an introduction paragraph which should be limited in length.
p element, styled with attribute “page_intro”
h2 elementSubtitle
h3 elementTitles have a
font-style: italic
Paragraph content have a maximum line length fixed to 60ch, yielding to a number of of about 70 characters per line: this is considered the best line length for readibility. p element
for ( let at = 0; at < keys_a.length; ++at )
inline code
for ( let at = 0; at < keys_a.length; ++at )
code blockLists
Unordered list
- Primo
- Secondo
- Tertio
Nested unordered lists
- Primo
- One
- Two
- Three
- Secondo
- Un
- Deux
- Tertio
- Inside a short note, it works only preceded by a list item
- One
- Two
- Three